Happy New Year to everyone. Wow 2009. My year has not been off to the best start but I am liking the way it is headed.
I came home today after a wonderful 10 day absence. I spent a fabulous holiday in my home town with family and friends. Nothing too busy but it was a great time. It was a good and glutenous Christmas and new years.
My three and a half hour drive was uneventful until I was half an hour from home. This is when the skies opened up and the snow started coming. Now I am a very seasoned winter driver so this is nothing new to me but it made the trip a little un-enjoyable.
I came home to snow, snow and more snow. Which meant that even before I began to unpack my fully loaded truck (and no I don't mean leather seats and 4x4) I needed to shovel. I was unable to even park in my designated parking spot because of all the snow. I illegally parked in a unloading zone, brought in my beautiful and stinky daughter (yes a wonderfully stinky full diaper was waiting for me) and after and quick diaper change began to shovel. I shovelled my way to my truck and began my duty as a pack mule. It was not as bad as I thought and the job was done relatively easy because of my close parking spot. I was rewarded by yet another stinky diaper (MJ refuses to use the potty so such is my life right now).
I left my truck illegally parked while I thought about unpacking (never did happen) and played with MJ, ate supper (goldfish crackers count as supper right) and put MJ to bed. Now I wasn't worried about a ticket cause since I have been home there has been approximately another 6 inches of snow and I know vehicles don't get tickets in this weather (wrecks the tickets - won't hold up in court). After having calling everyone I could think of in an attempts to procrastinate from shovelling my self into my parking spot I put on my boots.
No, I don't hate snow, I don't dislike shovelling but it was a task. I actually took the Lords name in vain and instantaneously had a ah-ha moment. I have been wanting the motivation to kick start my fitness routine and hear I was shovelling snow. Yes, I was doing physical fitness!! Now I know Jesus has much better things to worry Himself over than the size of my ass but it made me giggle. I should be thankful for my blessings and not find a way to be a negative Nora.
So I am thankful for the snow as I know it is going to be a wonderful day tomorrow. After shovelling again, I am taking MJ to a nearby park that I am hoping will be well populated in spite of the snow so that MJ and I can play. She LOVES the snow and will throw it in the air and giggle a giggle that brings a smile to my face for hours if I would let her. It is suppose to be cold out tomorrow so I could always just let her play on the deck for a while too.
I am hoping that my sunny disposition lasts, if it does, 2009 is going to be a wonderful year!!
Optimistically yours,
PS Did I mention I know have a new requirement for any future boyfriends... They have to own a snow blower. I may be optimistic but I would like to have to have the option of not shovelling snow for an hour.
Hello world!
1 week ago
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