I don’t care cause I had a wonderful weekend.
Douchbag daddy came down to visit MJ. I was a little apprehensive because I have been pissed at him lately for being an absentee daddy but I came to a conclusion a little while ago, I don’t care anymore. If he wants to play the martyr role that feels so bad for not being able to see his daughter while he goes to Vegas for a week I don’t care. I don’t comment, I don’t say anything bitchy (which is really hard cause I am really good at making digs), I simply change the topic and ask if I still get my child support. I can’t force him to be a good dad but I can make sure I get paid so that MJ and I can do more things together. Wow, that was a bit of a rant but... The visit was not bad at all. No fighting or screaming. We co-parented wonderfully. We went shopping for my Mother’s Day present (first one ever from him, bran new camera thank you very much). Biggest bonus, I got to sleep in two days in a row!!!
In addition to having a break from solo parenting, I got started on my renovations. With help from my ex (not the most independent stand but whatever) I painted my entry way. Well at least the basecoat is on. I could have tried but I had to make the decision between a clean house and a painted wall... I picked the house. In addition, I bought a cute patio set, hung some blinds in my room, and did what felt like a dozen loads of laundry.
It was a great weekend. It gives me the motivation to continue the renos and get my life in order.
Hello world!
1 week ago
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