Okay so month one is officially over. Did I do as well as I hoped? Heck no. I wasn't expecting a stellar month, I had two grandmother die within three weeks of each other (yes, for those who follow my blog, my grandmothers died within 19 days of each other and yes it sucks) so it was an emotionally straining month. That being said I still lost 3.5 pounds and any loss is better than a gain.
I know the reason I didn't lose more weight, I didn't exercise regularly or watched what I ate. No matter how many colon cleanses and fat flushes I did, the weight just didn't fall off. Bahaha, sorry I had to put that in. I didn't put harmful chemicals into my body in hopes of looking like Heidi Klum and never would. (Funny side story, I was talking to a pharmacist friend of mine at his work while he was stalking the shelves. I came across a weight loss supplement and asked him if it really worked. He laughed his ass off and said, "If that really worked, do you actually think that there would be any left on the shelves?" Point taken.)
Seeing how well everyone did in the competition has done some serious motivation for me and I know have a plan. Screw the sleeping in, I will get up at 5 am to exercise. I am not just going to run on my treadmill (as it bores me if I just stick to that) but instead mix it up with some dvd workouts. These workouts will be a minimum of three times a week (to start with cause really if I commit to 5 and it doesn't work out I may quit). More excitingly, on February 27th, hot yoga starts up and I am super pumped. Its on Saturday afternoons so its totally doable and I even got a discount rate from my sitter so it won't cost like $30 a class, rather with babysitting it will only be $22. (I know, still expensive but I don't care).
Congratulations to all of the losers out there. I am so proud of everyone. Lets make February and even better month!!!
So after I finished posting, I am catching up on my blog reading and find out you can get free workout videos on line. Thank you Prior Fat Girl for posting the wonderful links. This mean even more variety and motivation. Spanks!!!
Hello world!
1 week ago
moi it's awesome that you lost weight in the midst of all that grief. i hope this month is mellow and filled with laughter and exercise!;0)
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