I rarely read my horoscope – and I mean rarely. I read two to three different news papers daily as part of my job and cannot remember the last time I actually read one. I am not a big believer in astrological signs. Plus, I am a cusp baby so different astrologers in different publications tend to give slightly different dates for when each of the zodiac signs start and finish. This is because the actual times and dates can vary a little bit from year to year and I find it very hard to keep up.
Why is this girl blathering on about astrological signs you may ask. Well today I actually read my horoscope and just laughed...
Each action you take, even during your downtime, contributes to your success. You start tomorrow off right and do positive things with your evening hours. Take the time to care for your body and mind. Go to bed early.
This makes me laugh. I guess even the stars think I should be getting up early to work out. Early starts have not been easy this week but I will get in my three mornings if it kills me. (And really dragging your ass out of bed 5 am won’t kill anyone.)
Hello world!
1 week ago
I'll do it if you'll do it! 5 am workouts... you in? ;)
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