Thursday, February 19, 2009

Not too Bad for the Second Smoke Free Day

Day two of not smoking and it is getting easier. Going cold turkey sucks (never tried to quit that way before) but smoking is gross so a bit of sucking is worth giving up the cigarettes.

Today was way easier though. Work was really busy which totally helped. I even resisted the temptation of my old smoking partner coming in for a visit tempting me with a smoke break. Even better, I went outside and watched everyone smoke with really no increase in craving (maybe because I think the craving level is about as high as it can go).

As a present to myself for quitting smoking, I am giving myself a weight watcher free week. I am still trying to eat sensibly and within reason but not counting the snacks. I had a bag of chips yesterday and I am not feeling sorry for it. I need to quit smoking more than I need to lose weight. One week of not losing is so much better if it means I won't be a smoker.

I need to go get some salsa and taco chips. Not smoking at night is harder than during the day. I will also have a big glass of water to fill up first.


PS My baby comes back tomorrow and I am super excited. I can't wait to hug and kiss her.