Yes, I need a vacation from my holiday!! It seems like I have been too busy to classify my holiday as relaxing, I have been working so much that I considered going back to work (humorously, my wonderful boss said if I showed up at work I would be taken out back for a boot to the ass). No going back to work for me but I will continue to put in time here and there to stay on top of things.
I would love to post pics of my holiday but I left me camera cord at home. Oh well, just missing my wonderful sunburn.
My 15 week challenge is not going so well. Hard to stick to the diet with all the great food around. Food I wouldn't normally buy cause I can resist. Oh well, to counter act this fact I have done this 30 minute outdoor workout twice this week.
1. 100 m sprint – Duck walk back to starting point
2. Pushups (10 per side)
3. 1 legged Squats (10 per leg)
4. Crunches (1 minute)
5. Bench Step ups (3 minute)
6. Chin ups (2 reps before failure), I totally suck at chin ups and can get one done if I take a running jump at it and then hang there for a while trying to pull my ass up.
I repeat about 5 to 8 times, depending on the time I have. I can usually get this done when I take my daughter to the playground and monopolize various equipment.
I have attempted to also run in the mornings but that is going so well. Maybe tomorrow, probably not though...
That is all for now, I need to get going. I bit more work before I get ready for the lake this weekend. Hope to write in again soon.
Hello world!
1 week ago
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