I stepped onto the scale today (something I have not done in about three weeks) and was astonished. In one month I have gained 10 pounds. Frigggg. Thinking about it, I am not surprised at all. When you eat total crap for a month and don't exercise what do you expect would happen? I am disgusted with myself that I allowed my debauchery to go this far. I could blame it on the new birth control I am taking but really, I know better. I am accepting total and complete blame.
My plan you ask, today, just like any good addict, I plan to hit bottom before climbing my way out of my weight gain hole... Today, I am going to the Ex. My plan was to go today and I seriously don't know how you go the Ex without enjoying the deliciously disgusting for you treats. Okay, I realize that is not the most forward way of thinking, but that is what I am doing.
That is my plan for now. Monday is a holiday so I will spend the morning planning a healthy menu and part of the afternoon grocery shopping. MJ's dad is going to be here this week as I have a HUGE project going on at work with meetings almost every night so he is here to help out parenting. This will help as I can go for an actual outdoor run in the mornings (okay, it may start out as more of a walk) to help me get started.
This is the biggest weight gain since Christmas. I hate it when this shit happens. I feel bloated and gross. Why oh why do I let this happen? Not that it matters, nothing to do now but but look forward - again.
Hello world!
1 week ago
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