Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Who is that fat girl out the window?

Do I am sitting at school yesterday dutifully doing my homework.  I look over and think, wow that girls is fat.  Shit, I just say my reflection.  I was not in the best posture and was in my lulus and a hoodie so there was no support from my clothes as to were restriction.  I am taken aback.  It amazes me continually how far I have let myself slide.  According to my bmi, I am once again in the obese zone.  Shit, not even overweight any more. 

 I found this on the Internet today.  See I see myself between a 26-29.  So when you see a big ol' 33 looking back at you its a scary sight.  I did not freak out and drown my sorrows in a tub of ice cream.  Instead I finished my homework, came home and ate four prunes as I was hungry but didn't want to eat really bad.  I got my sweetness fix and some great fiber.

I did do my shred this morning.  I am trying my hardest to keep up with them and if I do take a break, I am only out for 5 seconds.  I am better today than on Monday so at least there is that progress.

Tomorrow I am taking the big plunge and stepping on the scale.  Honestly, I am terrified of the number that is going to show up on there but its my number and no matter what I have to own up to it. 


Mindy said...

Wondering if you ever did get your butt back on that scale. The truth will set you free girly and keep you from making excuses or more mistakes. Remember, it's not going backwards; it's moving forward! It's not starting over; it's starting FRESH!

You got this!