Here an update on my goals. I thought I will revist my goals on a semi-regular basis so that I can be accoutnable.
I will reconnect with God. This one has not been the going the best. I had some wonderful advice from a dear friend but unfortunately have not taken it. School has been crazy and if I don’t commit to school work on Sundays that usually means I have spent most weeknight doing school work and miss my family so much we use it as a family day. I think for now, at least until this class is over, I will have to reconnect with God using by bible.
I will be a more patient mom. This one is working. I have to really try to consciously not get angry but it is working.
I will work on my relationship with my boyfriend. This too is working. We still need to find a councilor but we are working together. Plus we are getting closer to actually becoming engaged (I may or may not have already started to plan the wedding).
I will extend my friends network. Okay, so I have not really extended anything but have reconnected with some friends that I haven’t made the effort to stay in touch with.
I will run three 10k races and at least one half marathon. I may have found a training partner for the 10k races.
I will lose 50 pounds. So far this year I am not where I want to be but that just means I need to work harder.
I will work hard towards obtaining my masters in human resources. I have not been slacking in class. The class I am taking is kicking my ass but my head is above water so far.
I will make a budget that pays down debt and increases savings. I have not sunk further into debt. I have not really put a big dent into it yet. I need to stick to my budget better. Stupid expenses keep jumping up. Oh well. At least it is not a deeper whole than I started out with.
Hello world!
1 week ago
I heard something last weekend at a conference that might be helpful with #1...
A speaker was teaching on "listening prayer" - essentially, taking time during our prayers to hear God's response. He suggests writing down what we sense God saying to us.
Anyway, his wife decided to take 40 days and ask God one question each day, journalling her question and His response.
Looking for a good place to start?
- Lord, what do you think or feel about me?
- What are your plans and purposes for me?
- What game would you like to play with me?
- What is the one thing about me that you enjoy the most?
- What is one area you would like to see me change/grow in?
I think I'm going to do this for Lent. Except I think Lent has already begun? Better go ask google! ;)
I love the updates. You should make mini goals for each category. Break downt he steps you need to achive these goals and when you achive those mini steps... celebrate.
If you break them down they become less daunting and more achivable.
Good luck girl!
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